Photo by Erin Nelson.
Jerry Ingram putts on the tenth green during the Links Fore Scholars golf tournament hosted by the Hoover Chamber of Commerce at the Riverchase Country Club on Sept. 26.
The Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce is planning its 2023 Links Fore Scholars golf tournament at the Inverness Country Club on Aug. 28.
The tournament, which raises money to support college scholarships for employees of Hoover chamber members or the city (as well as their children), is set for an 8:30 a.m. start.
It will be a shotgun start, with four-person teams starting all at the same time on different holes. The tournament will be played in a scramble format, with each player taking a shot and the team choosing the best hit from among the four as the starting point for all players on the next swing.
In addition to the team competition, there will be a putting contest and closest-to-the-pin contest, said Toni Herrera-Bast, the chamber’s CEO and president. There also will be a hole-in-one challenge with a free vehicle lease from Infiniti of Birmingham for anyone who hits a hole in one on a particular hole.
The cost to participate is $200 per person. The chamber also was looking for a title sponsor for $15,000 and has other sponsorship opportunities ranging from $200 to $1,500.
All proceeds beyond expenses will go to the chamber’s scholarship fund, Herrera-Bast said. Last year’s tournament drew 88 players and raised $6,000 for scholarships, she said.
To register for the tournament, go to business.hooverchamber.org/events/details/2023-links-fore-scholars-3152.
The deadline to register is Monday, Aug. 21. To become a sponsor, call the chamber at 205-988-5672.