Photo by Jon Anderson
Spain Park HIgh School students gather for a prayer event at the school in Hoover, Alabama, in 2015.
Student clubs at Hoover and Spain Park high schools are having prayer walks at the schools this Tuesday night, Aug. 9, in preparation for the start of school on Thursday.
At Hoover High, the Undivided club plans to hold a prayer walk outside the school at 7 p.m. Students are inviting people to pray for the superintendent, school board, central office staff, teachers, other staff members and the student body. The plan is to meet in front of the school, divide into groups and walk to different areas to pray in smaller groups. The event is expected to last about 45 minutes.
At Spain Park High, the First Priority club is taking the lead and is asking people to meet at the flagpole in front of Berry Middle School at 6:30 p.m. to pray for Berry and then walk to Spain Park High next door for more prayer.