Jazz Band
Hoover City Schools and the city of Hoover were formally recognized as a “Best Community for Music Education” at April 8’s monthly Board of Education meeting.
Jessica Freehling-Kazzie presented a certificate to Hoover City Schools Superintendent of Education Andy Craig, and the Board of Education on behalf of the NAMM Foundation in recognition of Hoover's outstanding support of music education, enriching the lives of children and advancing student achievement.
The NAMM Foundation is a nonprofit organization with the mission of advancing active participation in music making across the lifespan by supporting scientific research, philanthropic giving and public service programs from the international music products industry.
In addition to the formal recognition from NAMM, other highlights included a performance by the Berry Middle School Choir and the Hoover High School Saxophone Quartet.
In March, the NAMM Foundation came out with its annual list of school districts across the country which excel in music education. This year’s count, 307 to be exact, was record-breaking, according to NAMM.
Hoover's standing on the local, state and national music education scene helped earn this coveted honor.
Student achievements include:
- Hoover's First Edition Jazz Band performed at the 2013 Midwest Clinic/Chicago
- Hoover HS and Spain Park HS annually host marching band contests
- Hoover HS and Spain Park HS have hosted the Alabama Day of Percussion
- Hoover HS Marching Band has marched in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, Rose Parade, Fiesta Bowl Parade and the Orange Bowl Parade
- Spain Park HS has marched in the Citrus Parade, London's New Year's Day Parade and Rome's New Year's Day Parade
- Spain Park HS Choir has been invited to perform at Carnegie Hall in Fall 2013
- Spain Park HS received the Distinguished Musicianship Award from the Alabama Vocal Association
- Hoover HS students have received the honor of Female and Male District Outstanding Choral Student and the Choral Music Education Scholarship
- Hoover HS Choir has performed at the Alabama Music Educators Association In-Service Conference
- More than 100 students from HCS have been selected for participation in All-State ensembles each year
- Schools throughout the district receive superior ratings at state performance assessments
- Unique course offerings include AP music theory, IB music, barbershop quartet, Sweet Adelines quartet and keyboard
- Hoover elementary schools consistently participate in the Alabama Music Educators Association Elementary Music Festival and Young Voices Festival
- Bluff Park Elementary students performed at the America Orff-Schulwerk Association Conference
Staff achievements include:
- Presented workshops at local, state and national levels
- Served as conductors for local and statewide ensembles
- Music teachers have been nominated as Teachers of the Year by their respective schools
- Various music personnel have received funding for granted projects from local foundations, the Alabama Council on the Arts and state legislators
- Teachers have achieved certification from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards
- Serve as officers/receive recognition from professional organizations
- Served as supervising teachers/taught classes for pre-service teachers from/at metro universities/colleges