Photo by Jon Anderson
Hoover school board 10-16-15
The Hoover Board of Education meets on Friday, Oct. 16, 2015.
The Hoover Board of Education has rescheduled its January meeting from Monday, Jan. 11, to Tuesday, Jan. 12, due to the BCS National Championship football game Monday night, board President Derrick Murphy said.
School officials expect a lot of people will be watching the game and want to ensure the public has an opportunity to do that and attend this month’s school board meeting as well, Murphy said.
The January meeting also is being held in a different location than usual; it will be at Trace Crossings Elementary School at 5:30 p.m. The school board meetings in February and March will be held at other schools, but exact meeting locations have not yet been determined, Murphy said.
An agenda for Tuesday’s meeting had not been posted as of 8 p.m. Sunday, but the school board is expected to consider the 2016-17 school calendar. Parents were given two options to consider and asked to provide feedback. A separate survey is being conducted for the 2017-18 school calendar.
Trace Crossings Elementary School is at 5454 Learning Lane, right next to Hoover High School and Hoover Metropolitan Stadium.