Hoover City Schools started the new school year on Wednesday, Aug. 9, and Hoover Sun asked the community to send in their back-to-school pictures. Enjoy browsing through shots of students starting another school year in Hoover!
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Gabe, Jaden and Tyler Lipsey. Last first day of elementary school, last first day of middle school, last first day of high school.
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Fredrick Dunson, Bryant, Colby and Spencer Lawson.
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Mae Elliott enters sixth grade & Wyatt Elliott enters eighth grade at Berry Middle.
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Luke and Sam Harris enter second grade and kindergarten at Deer Valley Elementary.
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Emma Grace and Jack Seuferling, fifth and fourth grade at Gwin Elementary.
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Heather enters 10th grade at Hoover High School. Hunter enters eighth grade at Bumpus Middle School. Sara enters sixth grade at Brock's Gap Intermediate.
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Jackson's enters fifth grade at Bluff Park Elementary and Ann Elise's enters first grade Bluff Park Elementary.
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Gavin enters seventh grade at Simmons Middle School.
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Kemp Horne enters seventh grade at Bumpus Middleand Daisy Horne enters fourth grade at Deer Valley Elementary.
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Jacob Horton, 11th grade at Spain Park High, Jessica Horton and Madyson Turner, eighth grade at Berry Middle, and Emily Horton, seventh grade at Berry.
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Art, ninth grade at Hoover High, and Maggie, fifth grade at Brocks Gap.
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Isaac Wood, fifth grade, Bluff Park Elementary. Ollie the cat, homeschooled.
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Grey Hofer, third Grey, and Will Hofer, fourth grade. Shades Mountain Rocks!
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Thomas and Reed Pathak (with dog, Lucy) entering third and first grade at Deer Valley Elementary.
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Emi enters into BPES.
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Gibson Holland enters into kindergarten and LeLe Holland enters fourth grade.
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Carter Morris enters kindergarten at Gwin.
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Ellie and Evie Blanchard enter fourth and first grades at Bluff Park Elementary.
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Emily Hughes enters fourth grade at Gwin and Carter Hughes enters sixth grade at Simmons.
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Nia Mya and Ronald Michael Reese enter 3rd grade and Kindergarten at Deer Valley Elementary.
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Baylor and Loxley Best, second grade and Kindergarten at Gwin Elementary.
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Katie Simmons enters 10th grade at Hoover High School.
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William, Adam and Anne Russell enter fifth, third and kindergarten at Rocky Ridge.
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Owen and Ian Chatterton enter second and fourth grade at Bluff Park, and Ethan Chatterton enters preschool.
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Dominic enters 3rd grade at Greystone Elementary.
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Brittany Beard enters sixth grade at Brock's Gap and Natalie Beard enters fourth grade at SSC.
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Trenton (fourth) and Everett (K) Phillips at South Shades Crest.
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Ayda and Loxley Millican, Brock's Gap Intermediate fifth grader and South Shades Crest Elementary second grader.
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Simmons Middle Schoolers
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Caedmon Dark enters second grade at Gwin.
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Emily, 11th grade, Hoover High School.
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Mason first day of third grade at Deer Valley.
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Shiloh Nieves, fourth grader, Deer Valley.
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Cailyn and Jacob Cherry, fifth and third grade at Gwin!
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Ethan, ninth grade, Hoover High School.
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Harper Richardson enters fifth grade Grade Brocks Gap.
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Justin Thomas, a senior at HHS.
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Brady Allen, 2nd grade, Gwin Elementary
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Landon Nieves enters sixth grade at Brock's Gap.
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Brayden Prince heads into 4th grade at South Shades Crest Elementary School after moving from Houston Texas.
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Gavin enters fifth grade and Addison Hopkins enters third grade at Bluff Park Elementary.
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Julia Clark enters sixth grade at Simmons and Ella Davis enters first grade at Bluff Park.
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Brady Stidham (6th) - Simmons Middle School; Evan Stidham (3rd) & Maddox Stidham (1st) - Bluff Park Elementary
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Jamie (third) and Owen (kindergarten) at Bluff Park Elementary.
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Anna Kate enters second grade at BPES) and Andon Patko enters 6th grade at Simmons.
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Walt and Ella Meyer enters fifth and second grade at GVES.
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Walt and Ella Meyer, fifth and second grade at GVES.
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Macy McClinton, a HHS Senior, and Hudson McClinton, a Brock's Gap 5th grader.
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Hannah and Olivia enter 6th grade at Simmons.
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Emily Sheppard enters 10th grade Hoover High School
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Nathaniel Hilton, freshman at Hoover High SchoolNick Hilton, 7th grade at Simmons Middle SchoolAmelia Hilton, kindergarten at Bluff Park ElementaryJake Hilton, 4th grade at Bluff Park Elementary
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Riley Hwang enters second grade at Deer Valley Elementary
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Ayla Steed (sixth grade, Simmons Middle School)Paxton Steed (third grade, Gwin Elementary School)
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Andrew Cerice, third grader at Bluff Park Elementary.
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Jake Mason, second grade at Deer Valley Elementary School
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This shot is Hoover High teachers (from left) Richard Sturgeon (30th year as a teacher), Kellye Self (27th year), Amy Newell (12th year) and Kandas Cavender (17th year).
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Group shot is Madelyn, Caroline and Conner Hornsby. Madelyn and Conner are in the sixth grade at Simmons, and Caroline is in kindergarten at Green Valley Elementary.
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Gabe White waiting on Reese (third grader, Gwin) and Jackson and Blake, (freshman at Hoover).
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Here are Dot, West and Annie Leasure as they prepare to head off to fifth, third and seventh grades at Bluff Park Elementary School and Simmons Middle School.