Deer Valley Elementary School
In February, Deer Valley Elementary School music teachers Betty Wilson and Melanie Harris prepared a Jazz musical with the fourth grade explorers called We Haz Jazz.
In February, Deer Valley Elementary School music teachers Betty Wilson and Melanie Harris prepared a jazz musical with the fourth-grade explorers called We Haz Jazz. Reading coach Nicole Stokes and counselor Lissa Hines assisted in bringing the musical to the stage. Librarian Raquel Lieber and assistant Penni Koch prepared the second-, third- and fourth-grade children for a visit by author Chuck Galey, who wrote the books Jazz Cats and Rock ’n’ Roll Dogs. Art teachers Laura Beale and Katharine Thompson instructed second- through fourth-grade art students in painting jazz murals and line drawings, which are on display throughout the school.
To make the jazz café complete, the Hoover Jam Band, led by Dennis Carroll, paid a visit to the school. Several former DVES students participate in this band, and it was a treat for them to bring the sounds of jazz back to their former elementary school.
Deer Valley would like to thank the parents and the PTO for their continued support that help them provide these opportunities for the students.
-Submitted by Betty Wilson