Courtesy of Betty Wilson
Deer Valley Robotics team
Deer Valley robotics team members are Neysa Dechachutinan, Owen Strength, Jay Threeton, Daniel Reyes, Armaan Moosani, Satya Kambhampati, and Kenny Curlings.
Three teams from Deer Valley Elementary competed in the final Lego robotics competition of the year held at Green Valley Elementary School in March. Students must be in fourth or fifth grade to compete and must complete a series of challenges with their robots.
The students have to analyze the challenge and use the programming software to create a new “code” based on practice and knowledge of what they think will work. They have approximately two and a half hours to do what they can to solve ten to fourteen challenges. The harder the challenge the more points it is worth.
Out of the thirty teams competing, two of the Deer Valley teams, the Swag Boys and Death Vacuum, tied for first place with a score of 245 points. Members of the Swag Boys are Daniel Reyes, Arman Moosani, and Jay Threeton. Members of Death Vacuum are Kenny Curlings, Owen Strength, Neysa Dechachutinan and Satya Kambhampati. Team sponsor is Sammi Funkhauser.