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Photo courtesy of Hunter Street Baptist Church.
A worship team made mostly of children leads other children in singing and motions during Hunter Street Baptist Church’s Vacation Bible School in the summer of 2015.
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As school lets out, it’s that time of year again for a host of Vacation Bible Schools. Here are dates, times and a few details of some of the ones planned in the Hoover area this summer:
► June 6-10: Briarwood Presbyterian Church, 9 a.m.-noon. For kids who have finished 4K through fifth grade. Free. Optional T-shirts for $12. Register at briarwood.org/special-events/ Info: 776-5251.
► June 6-10: Green Valley Baptist, 8:30 a.m.-noon. Walk This Way VBS is for children who have completed 5K through fifth grade. Free. Optional sports camp for kids who have just completed grades 1-5 is June 6-9; noon-4:30 p.m. for $85. Info: 822-2173; Ally Kozlowski at akozlowski@gvbc.org.
► June 6-10: Hunter Street Baptist Church, 8:30 a.m-12:30 p.m. Summer Quest Submerged is for kids who have completed grades 1-6. Free but children must register. If both parents work, additional Oasis offered for $85 with dropoff as early as 7 a.m. and pickup by 5:30 p.m. (registration required). Oasis activities include movies, games and a field trip to Legacy Park on Wednesday for water games. VBS Info: 985-7295; Oasis Info: 985-5300; hunterstreet.org.
► June 6-10: Lakeside Baptist Church, 9 a.m.-noon. Submerged VBS is for kids who have completed 3K through sixth grade. Family night Thursday night with dinner. Free. Register at lakesidebaptist.org. Info: 822-1240.
► June 6-10: Prince of Peace Catholic Church, 8:30-noon. CaveQuest VBS is for 3-year-olds through rising fifth-graders and includes a Friday afternoon performance for parents. $60 per family. Register at popcatholic.org. Info: 822-9125.
► June 6-10: Shades Mountain Baptist Church, 9 a.m.-noon. Rise of the Kingdom VBS is for kids entering kindergarten through completed sixth grade and young adults with special needs. Register at shades.org/events/vbs-2016. Info: 822-1670.
► June 6-10: St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church, 9 a.m.-noon. CaveQuest VBS is for 4K through rising fifth-graders; includes recital for parents Thursday night, June 9. Register at stpeterapostle.com. Info: 822-4480.
► June 6-10: Valleydale Church, 8:45-noon. Early dropoff available at 7:30 a.m. Submerged VBS is for kids who have completed kindergarten through fifth grade; water activity day Friday. VBS is free, but optional VBS Camp is available from noon to 5 p.m. for $80 for first child and $50 for each additional child. Register at valleydale.org/vbs. Info: 991-5282 or email vbs@valleydale.org.
► June 6-11: Birmingham Seventh-day Adventist Church, 9 a.m.-noon. CaveQuest VBS is for children ages 4-13. Register at birmingham1st.org. Info: 607-2426.
► June 12-15: Riverchase Church of Christ, 5:15-7:15 p.m. Sunday; 6:15-8:15 p.m. Monday-Wednesday; dinner 5-6 each night. “Let God Be Your Travel Guide” VBS includes classes for all age groups, including adults. Nursery provided. Register at riverchasechurch.org or call 988-5808.
► June 12-16: Bluff Park Baptist Church, 6:30-9 p.m.; light supper at 6 p.m. Submerged VBS is for kids age 4 through sixth grade. Free. Register at bluffparkbaptist.org/vacation-bible-school or call 822-3240.
► June 12-16: First Baptist Church of Hoover, 5-7:30 p.m. Sunday; 6-8:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday. CaveQuest VBS is for kids in 4-year-old kindergarten through sixth grade. Free. Info: 823-3472; fbchoover.org.
► June 13-16: Cross Creek Church, 6-8 p.m. at Deer Valley Elementary. Kid’s Camp VBS is for children ages 4-10. Concludes with evening cookout party for parents and kids on Thursday. Register at crosscreekchurch.net. Info: 453-9190 .
► June 13-16: Riverchase Baptist Church, 9 a.m.-noon. Deep Sea Discovery VBS is for kids who have completed 5K through fifth grade. Play day with inflatables June 16. Free. Register at riverchasebaptist.org/vbs. Info: 985-4495.
► June 13-16: The Episcopal Church of the Holy Apostles, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Theme is CaveQuest. Info: 988-8000 or visit holyapostles.dioala.org.
► June 13-17: Riverchase United Methodist Church, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Surf Shack VBS is for children ages 4 through completed fifth grade and includes T-shirt. Cost: $25 per child. Info: 987-4030; Riverchaseumc.org/vacationbibleschool.
► June 13-17: Shades Crest Baptist Church, 9 a.m.-noon. Deep Sea Discovery VBS is for kids who have finished 4K through sixth grade. Free. June 15 family night will include food trucks and inflatables. Info: 822-1360; shadescrest.org.
► June 27-30: Discovery United Methodist Church, 5:30-8:15 p.m. For kids who have completed 4K through fifth grade. Includes dinner. Register at 987-4000; discoveryumc.org.
► June 27-30: Oakmont Presbyterian Church, 8:45 a.m.-noon. Surf Shack VBS is for children finishing 5K through fifth grade. Info: Cindy Davenport at 823-5910 or nackdav@gmail.com; 2016.cokesburyvbs.com/oakmontchurch.
► July 18-20: Chapel in the Pines Presbyterian Church, 6-7:30 p.m. “Praisin’ in the Pines” VBS is for kids age 4 through rising fifth-graders. Register at chapelinthepines.net. Info: 822-4210.
► July 18-22: Bluff Park United Methodist Church, 5:15-7:50 p.m. CaveQuest VBS is for kids going into 4K through fifth grade. Info: 822-0910; bluffparkumc.org.