Katherine Love, an eighth grader at Simmons Middle School and member of Girl Scout Troop 468, earned the Girl Scout Silver Award for her project to renovate the community/youth center at her home church, Inverness Vineyard Church.
Thanks to Katherine organizing supplies and labor, the room has new carpet and paint, better electrical work, a food preparation area, and storage and divided areas for meetings and meals. Katherine learned about team work and encouragement throughout the project.
“This room will serve the church and community for years to come,” she said. “I learned how to give even more to others and push through even more when you’re tired and sore. It feels good to help.”
The Girl Scout Silver Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette (grades 6-8) can earn. This award symbolizes a Girl Scout Cadette’s accomplishments in Girl Scouting and community activities as she matures and works to better her life and the lives of others.