0213 Church consignment
Last year’s Bargains on the Bluff Committee at the annual sale.
On Feb. 21-23, Bluff Park United Methodist will once again host its Bargains on the Bluff event, a consignment sale featuring children’s and ladies’ clothing.
With the tagline “Bringing Down the Cost of Growing Up,” Bluff Park UMC holds true to its promise, delivering nearly three days of deals on boutique-quality items.
For more information about consigning, volunteering or shopping, contact Bargains on the Bluff Coordinator Molly McKnight at bargainsonthebluff@gmail.com.
On March 8-9, Riverchase Day School, a ministry of Riverchase United Methodist Church, will host its Spring T-N-T (Tried-n-True) Children’s Consignment Sale.
The sale features like-new children’s clothing, toys, furniture, nursery décor, baby equipment, puzzles, games and more. For information about becoming a seller or volunteering, contact Laurie Shotnik at 989-8070 or visit riverchase-tnt.com.