Photo courtesy of Charon Rivers.
A memorial honoring American soldiers is displayed at a previous Support Our Soldiers banquet, which is scheduled for May 30 at 6 p.m. at Briarwood Presbyterian Church.
The Support Our Soldiers Foundation, which sends care packages to military members overseas, is holding their annual banquet May 30.
The event will be held at 6 p.m. at Briarwood Presbyterian Church. This year’s speaker is Capt. Gary Michael Rose (ret.), who received a Medal of Honor for his work as a medic for the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War.
According to the U.S. Army’s website, during multiple intense battles in Vietnamese territory, Rose put his own life at risk to save the lives of American soldiers, as well as Vietnamese and Montagnard soldiers working with the U.S.
The foundation began in 2010 by the family of Marine Lance Corporal Tom Rivers, who died in Afghanistan after encountering enemy fire. His parents, Tom and Charon Rivers, sent care packages back to his fellow soldiers to let them know the family was thinking of them. The Rivers continued to send care packages to other troops, and created the Support Our Soldiers Foundation, a nonprofit, in 2012, Charon Rivers said. The packages include living essentials and other needed products also includes Tom’s story, as well as the story of his Christian faith, Charon Rivers said.
Last year, the foundation sent more than 900 care packages to troops, she said.
Tickets are $30 each, and a table for eight costs $300. There will be patriotic music, singing, the presentation of the U.S. flag and the colors, and will end with the playing of taps.
Tickets can be purchased at supportoursoldiersalabama.org, or by calling Charon Rivers at 918-7976.