Photo courtesy of Frank Brocato
Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato
It has been almost a year since I was sworn into office as your mayor. I had many goals making up my platform, and I am pleased to announce that several of them are coming to fruition this fall.
One goal was to hire an economic developer for our city. This person will be instrumental in recruiting highly sought after businesses, restaurants and shopping venues. Also, they will be looking for businesses to relocate to Hoover and will help keep our business community thriving and growing.
As many of you know, I have recently unveiled an initiative to find out what the people of Hoover want in their community and how we can keep Hoover a first class place to live. This initiative is called “Future Hoover.”
There will be town hall-style meetings located in neighborhoods across Hoover and conversations among city leaders and the people we serve. To find out about these meetings, please follow our social media sites to stay informed about where these meetings are going to take place.
Future Hoover is a good conduit for conversations between you and your elected officials about what you would like to see offered and funding those dreams and plans.
We are working hard and holding meetings to discuss and get information from our residents about our bike and pedestrian plan for our city. We have a survey and lots of great information about the proposed plan on our website if you missed the kick-off meeting. Please visit our website at hooveralabama.gov for complete details.
Also, starting in late September is our first Leadership Hoover class. The purpose of Leadership Hoover is to ensure that leaders in our community are well versed on issues and current challenges in our region and will work together to come up with solutions.
The first class of Leadership Hoover will be drawn from diverse backgrounds and businesses so we have a cross section of individuals to make the experience most effective. Through a series of monthly programs, these leaders will understand more about Hoover, the issues we face and explore options together.
Many cities have leadership programs, and I am thrilled that Hoover now has its own program and the kickoff is happening this month.
As you can see, Hoover is a bustling town, the children are back in school, football season is here, and we will be in the process of holding town hall meetings to hear from you. Please get involved — we welcome your ideas, no matter how big or small! We are interested and are here to serve you with our doors open.
Have a great fall!