Photo courtesy of Frank Brocato
Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato
There are lots of great reasons to live in Hoover. One of the biggest, in my opinion, is the wonderful diversity we see throughout our communities.
When we hear that word, we usually think of our racial or ethnic differences. But there is so much more than that. Hoover is home to those of varying abilities, and it is imperative that we make sure all feel welcome and included.
Our ability to serve everyone well is the goal we’ve set for ourselves here at the city. But sometimes, that means we need to increase our knowledge in certain areas. That is why I am so grateful for Cathy Carver and her organization, Come Roll With Me (CRWM). In 2016, Carver, who is a physical therapist, created CRWM as a way to educate communities about how wheelchair users navigate their environment. CRWM’s aim is to also find a way to bridge gaps in communication, appreciation and respect for how wheelchair users engage in everyday activities.
I along with numerous members of my staff have taken part in CRWM’s disability education awareness events. Those events give participants a hands-on, eye-opening opportunity to experience the challenges and triumphs wheelchair users face all the time. They have also helped to create greater empathy along with better insight into what we, as a city, can do to make Hoover more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
If you’d like to learn more about Come Roll With Me, I encourage you to check out their website at: sites.uab.edu/comerollwithme.