Frank Brocato
Frank Brocato
I have often said what a privilege it is for me to serve this great city, first for 40-plus years as a firefighter and now as your mayor. There have been so many great times and positive experiences we’ve seen together. But as we know, tough times are bound to come on occasion, and the best thing we can do is confront them head on, seek positive solutions and forge ahead.
Unfortunately, for the last month or two, our city has been challenged with our garbage collection process. In March, our garbage collection provider, Amwaste, started a new route schedule and promised to make service more efficient. But instead, just the opposite has happened. In the first month of the new schedule, Amwaste missed over 2,000 pickups.
We continue to communicate our frustrations with Amwaste while also doing what we can to help with missed collections. We are looking into various ways we might be able to hold the company financially responsible if this situation persists.
As we continue those efforts, I want to apologize to those of you who are still dealing with this situation. It is unacceptable. Please know we are working to get this problem addressed as quickly as we can within the confines of the contract we have with the company.
Also, I have a request. It is very important for residents to report when they have a missed pickup and to urge their neighbors to do the same. We must get an accurate accounting of all the homes that are missed daily, whether curbside or backdoor service. A reported miss provides needed data and logistical information, and it is the absolute best way our citizens can help us solve the problem.
If you have a missed pickup, you can reach out to the city in one of four ways: through the MyHooverConnect app, by emailing MyHooverConnect@HooverAlabama.gov, by calling 205-739-7311 or through the city’s website at hooveral.org.
Frank Brocato
Mayor of Hoover