1012 Gary Ivey
Gary Ivey
We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year. Thanks to the Hoover Police Department, holiday shopping and maneuvering our busy roadways during the holidays ran smoothly. We were very excited that the Chapel Lane extension opened just in time for holiday shoppers to have another route during this bustling time of year. This long-awaited roadway is a welcome addition to our city.
Congratulations to our Hoover Bucs on winning the 6A High School Football State Championship. We are very proud of them for bringing this honor home again!
From all early reports, it appears that we have had a very successful holiday shopping season once again. We will work hard to keep the City of Hoover financially sound while continuing to provide the best police, fire and city services possible to our residents.
It’s the time of year when many people make New Year’s resolutions to exercise and get in better shape. If you are looking for a place to do just that, check out the Hoover Recreation Center with its state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. The Hoover Senior Center also offers a variety of exercise programs designed to meet your needs. Our staff will strive to find a way to work with you no matter what your fitness level.
Let’s all be mindful of how fortunate we are to live in a city with so many opportunities for our residents. We will work hard to continue to try and exceed your expectations.
Please don’t hesitate to contact our office if we can assist you in any way. You can also visit our website at hooveral.gov. or call 444-7500.
Once again, Happy New Year!
Gary Ivey