Photo by Madoline Markham.
0213 Bill Powell Luncheon Relay for Life
Hoover Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Bill Powell spoke at a luncheon for Relay for Life of Hoover on Feb. 12.
After a three-year battle with stage four lung cancer, Gayle Powell discovered last week that she is cancer-free, said her husband, Hoover Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Bill Powell, at a luncheon at the American Cancer Society on Feb. 12.
“The odds are against her being alive, but she is cancer-free,” Powell said. “Prayers work. Research works. Doctors work.”
Gayle Powell had undergone 10 rounds of radiation and chemotherapy every three weeks since her 2010 diagnosis. Due to side effects of steroids in the chemotherapy that cause bone deterioration, the couple drove 1,000 miles to the Mayo Clinic last year for both a knee replacement and hip replacement procedures.
During the luncheon, Bill Powell shared the story of his wife’s journey, as well as his own battle with melanoma skin cancer 15 years ago, putting a face on the statistic that an estimated 27,000 Alabamians will be diagnosed with cancer in 2013 alone.
Powell’s talk was part of a larger campaign during the luncheon to organize support for the annual Relay for Life of Hoover fundraiser, which is currently looking for sponsors and teams.
The 2013 event will take place April 26 starting at 6 p.m. at Hoover High School. Overnight teams commit to keeping at least one member walking on the track until 6 a.m. with the reasoning that “cancer never sleeps.” There will be entertainment and activities throughout the night.
Relay for Life of Hoover expects to 2,000 people this year and is aiming to raise $145,000, just about $10,000 more than was raised last year. Organizers are also hoping for 70 participating teams; 20 have signed up so far.
At the luncheon, the following committed to sponsor this year’s event:
- Hoover City Council member John Lyda said Blue Cross Blue Shield is committing $35,000.
- KPMG will sponsor.
- Belle Foods will commit to four teams.
- Event co-chair Kathleen Spencer announced that Holiday Inn will sponsor.
- King Acura will sponsor.
- Bill Powell and his wife will personally contribute to a gold level sponsorship.
For more information on Relay for Life of Hoover, visit relayforlife.com/hoover, or contact ACS Staff Partner Lindsay Dring at 930-8868 or Lindsay.dring@cancer.org or Relay for Life co-chair Kahtleen Spencer at Kathleen@triadpminc.com.