Rendering courtesy of the city of Hoover
Developer Clint Sukar is proposing to build a three-story 26,700-square-foot building at the edge of the business section of the Chace Lake community with three retail/office spaces on the bottom floor and 10 residential condominiums on the two floors above.
The Hoover zoning board on Monday night recommended the Hoover City Council approve a mixed-use building in the commercial part of Chace Lake despite concerns from numerous residents and a business owner.
Clint Sukar wants to build a three-story, 26,700-square-foot building on 1 acre at 1869 Chace Drive, right at the edge of the commercial sector of Chace Lake and near single-family homes.
Originally, his plan was for three office/retail sites on the bottom floor of the building and 12 residential condominiums: two condos in the rear of the bottom floor and five on each of the second and third floors.
But several nearby commercial property owners complained to the Hoover zoning board in August, saying they were concerned there were not enough parking spaces in the plans and feared customers and residents would overflow onto their property and take up valuable parking spaces.
They also expressed concern that residents of the condo complex would let their dogs relieve themselves on adjacent business properties.
One month later, Sukar brought a revised plan to the zoning board, eliminating two of the condos and converting that space into indoor garages for six of the condos. The revised plan meets the city’s parking requirements, City Planner Mac Martin said.
Sukar also agreed to restrict business uses for the 5,000 square feet of commercial space on the bottom floor, prohibiting food or beverage services, such as a restaurant or coffee shop. The thinking was that food and beverage services would attract more customers and thus more vehicles.
Sukar also agreed to make the majority of the exterior of the building two-tone brick (other than glass areas) and to use colors similar to adjacent businesses. Martin said Sukar also submitted plans that show a corner of the property as an area where pets could relieve themselves.
Dr. Todd Howell of Chace Lake Family Dentistry next door still opposed the idea of allowing people to live in the section of Chace Lake originally planned for commercial uses.
Several residents of the single-family portion of Chace Lake expressed opposition to the idea of having condos that could turn into rental properties, saying covenants for the existing residential portion of Chace Lake do not allow residents to rent or lease their homes to others.
Sukar and his representative, Asma Lusk, were asked if they would be willing to prohibit rental use of the condos. Lusk said Sukar plans to sell the condos but couldn’t say yet whether rental use would be prohibited.
April Danielson, an attorney who represents the city of Hoover, said it’s not the city’s place to enforce private covenants.
Trena Reese, president of the Chace Lake Homeowners Association, said she’s concerned that having a residential use on this 1-acre tract is going to generate more traffic than businesses alone and Chace Lake residents already are dealing with too much cut-through traffic between U.S. 31 and the lower section of Lorna Road.
Several Chace Lake residents said they wanted to know the asking price for the condos that are planned. Lusk, who works in real estate, said she couldn’t say for sure yet because of changing market conditions. However, she said these would be high-end two-bedroom condos with at least 1,420 square feet and she couldn’t imagine they would sell for any less than $375,000.
Several Chace Lake residents said that would actually help their property values.
The zoning board voted to recommend the City Council approve Sukar’s mixed-use request with several conditions, including that:
- No food or beverage service would be allowed in the commercial spaces.
- A sidewalk would have to be installed along Chace Drive.
- All parking spaces and drive aisles, including garage spaces, must meet standards and specifications to allow for adequate vehicle access and maneuvering.
- Dumpsters could not be serviced between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.
- The development must conform to the appearance of the exhibits presented to the zoning board.
- Signs would have to be regulated by the city’s mixed-use district sign regulations.
The Hoover City Council is scheduled to have a public hearing and a vote on Sukar’s request on Oct. 17.