The city of Hoover plans to build a half-mile sidewalk on this stretch of Russet Woods Drive in the Russet Woods community between South Shades Crest Road and Guyton Road. The City Council approved a $364,000 contract with Southeastern Sealcoating on Tuesday, July 5, 2022, to build on the north side of the street (at right).
The Hoover City Council tonight agreed to pay about $364,000 to build a sidewalk in the Russet Woods community.
The new sidewalk will be on Russet Woods Drive between South Shades Crest Road and Guyton Road, stretching about half a mile, City Engineer Chris Reeves said. Construction is expected to start in late July and should be completed within 90 days, Reeves said.
The job was given to Southeastern Sealcoating, which was the lowest of three bidders for the contract. The final price came in well under the $500,000 construction budget, Reeves said.
City officials were pleasantly surprised with the result. Reeves said Southeastern Sealcoating must have really wanted the job. The other bids for the job were $444,188 from Gillespie Construction and $447,900 from Walden General Contractors.
The total price will be higher than the $363,978 construction contract amount, once design fees are added, but still should come in well under the $600,000 budget for the entire project, Reeves said.
In other business Tuesday night, the council:
- Accepted $150,000 from Jefferson County, $100,000 of which will go toward a community park renovation in Russet Woods and $50,000 of which will go toward eight new outdoor pickleball courts at the Hoover Metropolitan Complex.
- Declared the former Sears property 3240 Galleria Circle at the Riverchase Galleria as a public nuisance due to high grass and/or weeds on the property.
- Set a public hearing for July 18 to consider whether to allow the Park Crest event facility off Little Valley Road to expand its operations onto adjacent property at 2970 Lorna Road and convert a 19,900-square-foot building for use as an additional event facility. Read more about that request here.
- Set a public hearing for July 18 to consider whether to rezone 8 acres in the International Park office park for residential use to allow for up to seven attached townhomes and one single-family detached home on the property. Read more about that request here.
- Recognized City Administrator Allan Rice, Chief Financial Officer Tina Bolt and Chief Operations Officer Jehad Al-Dakka for completing five classes at Auburn University related to local government professional management.
- Heard a report from Bolt that the city’s sales and use tax revenues are up $3.8 million ahead of last year through the end of April
- Heard a renewed complaint from Matt Daniels, a resident on Pine Rock Lane, about garbage trucks picking up garbage from nearby businesses before 7 a.m. Daniels encouraged the city to enforce its ordinance. Rice said police have attempted to enforce the ordinance but have had trouble getting city magistrates to sign off on fines due to wording in the city ordinance related to distance from nearby homes. Rice said city staff are preparing proposed changes to the ordinance to address Daniels’ concerns.
- Heard a compliment from resident Clint Bircheat from the Southview community about the city’s fireworks show at the Hoover Metropolitan Complex on July 1 and the efficient management of the event and resulting increase in traffic.
- Received a framed certificate from the National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution commending the city of Hoover for its exceptional patriotism and proper display of the U.S. flag around town.