Election Update
On Aug. 23, Hoover voters will have the chance to elect their 2016-2020 City Council members and mayor. The Hoover Sun will provide weekly recaps each week leading up to the election, so you can easily keep up with everything you need to know before you vote.
Here’s the latest:
- Former Hoover school board President Derrick Murphy this week picked which City Council seat he will pursue.
- As of Thursday, Councilman John Lyda is the only councilman with no opposition. Read more about Lyda’s re-election bid.
- Several more candidates officially filed qualifying papers to run for office. See who all has officially qualified so far. Qualifying continues until 5 p.m. on July 19.
General information:
- Our election guide includes information on how to qualify as a candidate, how to register to vote and what to bring to the polls.
- See a list of all candidates who have announced their intention to run here, along with links to more information about candidates.
- Register to vote by Aug. 8 in order to vote in municipal elections.
- Bluffparkal.org and the Monte D’Oro Neighborhood Association are co-hosting a municipal candidate forum for all mayoral and City Council candidates from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 9, at Shades Crest Baptist Church. The event is open to the public. For more information, contact Heather Skaggs at heather@bluffparkal.org or Eileen Lewis at eilewis@charter.net.
- The Hoover Sun, Hoover City Schools Foundation and Hoover Rotary Club are sponsoring an election forum featuring mayoral and City Council candidates on Tuesday, Aug. 16, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency Birmingham — The Wynfrey Hotel. The event is open to the public. Email Jon Anderson at janderson@starnespublishing.com with potential questions for candidates.
Missed anything? Here’s last week’s recap.
Running for City Council or mayor in Hoover? Email Jon Anderson at janderson@starnespublishing.com by July 19 to be included in our upcoming Election Candidate Guide.