Map courtesy of city of Hoover
This map shows the new gabage pickup schedule for Hoover, Alabama, beginning, Monday, March 25, 2024.
Amwaste, the company that picks up residential garbage in Hoover, is changing garbage collection days for more than 12,000 customers in Hoover starting Monday, March 25, City Clerk Wendy Dickerson said.
The change affects 12,331 households in Hoover, Dickerson said.
The switchup eliminates the routine pickup of garbage on Wednesdays and Saturdays and puts everyone in the city on either a Monday/Thursday pickup schedule or Tuesday/Friday pickup schedule, she said.
The new schedule makes it easier to adjust schedules for holidays, Dickerson said. Under the former schedule, people who missed garbage pickup due to a Monday holiday received only one pickup that week and had to wait a full week between pickups. With the new schedule, on pre-determined holidays, pickups will be delayed by only one day, and trucks will be available to fulfill that service, Dickerson said.
The revised pickup schedule provides garbage pickup for everyone north of Interstate 459 on Tuesdays and Fridays, except for those on the east side of Interstate 65, she said.
Most people south of Interstate 459 now have garbage pickups on Mondays and Thursdays, she said.The exception is for single-family homes encircled by U.S. 31, Interstate 459 and Lorna Road and a couple of areas in the southwest corner of the Interstate 65/Interstate 459 interchange, Dickerson said. Those areas get pickup on Tuesdays and Fridays, she said.
The city mailed yellow postcards to anyone whose service is changing, Dickerson said. For anyone who needs clarification, the city also has an online tool that allows people to type in their address and have their garbage pickup days identified for them, she said. That is available through the city’s website here.
Amwaste planned to make the same change for Mountain Brook and Pelham at the same time, Dickerson said. Vestavia Hills already has this type of schedule, she said.
People who wish to recycle in Hoover can save their recyclables for the second pickup of each week because Amwaste carries materials from the second pickup of each week to a facility in Montgomery for sorting and recycling. Anything put in the garbage for the first pickup of the week is sent to the landfill, city officials said.