Photo courtesy of Lloyd E. Beard.
Save the Os 5K 2018 (1)
Runners take off at the start of the 2018 Save the O’s 5K in the Greystone community. Ninety-five runners completed the 5K, and another 60 or so participated in the 1-mile fun run. The 2019 Save the O’s 5K is scheduled for Sat., Aug. 10.
The 15th annual Save the O’s 5K is scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 10, in the Greystone residential community to raise money for the Norma Livingston Ovarian Cancer Foundation.
The 5K, held in honor of Lori Johnson, will start at 8 a.m. at the Greystone Golf and Country Club and will be followed by a 1-mile fun run at 9:15 a.m. and awards at 9:30 a.m.
Last year, the two runs drew 155 people and raised about $32,000 through donations, sponsorships and registration fees, foundation Executive Director Chris Sykes said.
The cost is $30 for the 5K and $25 for the 1-mile fun run through July 31, plus a sign-up fee. On Aug. 1, the price increases by $5. Children ages 14 and younger receive a $5 discount. For another $5 discount, use promotion code 19STO-PC. Ovarian cancer survivors walk and run for free.
Participants are encouraged to form teams and raise money for the foundation, which uses the proceeds to pay for ovarian cancer research and raise awareness about the risks, symptoms and treatments for the disease. Team registration ends on Aug. 9.
For the 5K, prizes will be awarded to the top overall male and female finishers, as well as the top three male and female finishers in each age group. For the 1-mile fun run, the top male and female finishers will receive an award, and all finishers age 12 and younger will receive a medal.
The foundation also gives out awards to the largest team and the team that raises the most money. The first 250 people to register will receive a T-shirt.
The event also will include a silent auction, food, live music and a swimming pool.
To register for the races, go to savetheos5k.com.