Write Club via Zoom
Hoover Public Library 200 Municipal Drive, Hoover, Alabama 35216
Share your literary works and network with other aspiring writers.
Join local author Ingrid Seymour as she discusses publishing, marketing, author websites, and social media presence.
Ingrid Seymour is a USA Today Bestselling Author. When she’s not writing books, she spends her time working as a software engineer, cooking exotic recipes, hanging out with her family and working out. She writes young adult and new adult fiction in a variety of genres, including Sci-Fi, urban fantasy, romance, paranormal and horror.
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/93407239532?pwd=WEdGVDNudHVJREhFSWlpaDA3SmJsUT09
Meeting ID: 934 0723 9532
Passcode: 324952