Purl on the Plaza Virtual Celebration
Hoover Public Library 200 Municipal Drive, Hoover, Alabama 35216
Since we did not get to celebrate World Wide Knit in Public Day, we are having an online ZOOM & YouTube celebration!
Join us throughout the week of October 5th for special presentations and contest judging! There are ongoing contests (YARN BOMBing!), a charity project (twiddlemuffs & fidget blankets), along with other offerings that will be announced throughout the week prior to Saturday, October 10th! Check online at http://www.hooverlibrary.org/PURL to see what we have in store! Then, on Saturday, October 10th from 1 pm to 5 pm, we will meet virtually to celebrate our love of YARN! If you cannot use Zoom, visit the Hoover Library's YouTube channel to join the live portion of Purl on the Plaza!
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92496576533?pwd=ajdoZkc3cC85MUdSV1cxdGN5VmNzQT09
Meeting ID: 924 9657 6533
Passcode: 704074