11th Annual Head Over Teal 5K/10K Virtual Run/Walk
Virtual Hoover, Alabama
Keep the tradition and join Laura Crandall Brown Foundation (LCBF) from September 18 to September 26 as we virtually host our 11th annual Head Over Teal 5K/10K.
Create your own FUNdraising page or lead a team of supporters as you prepare to hit the road in your neighborhood, park, or favorite trail anywhere in the world! Runners can honor survivors and remember those who fought GYN cancer by documenting their race times on RunSignup, sharing photos of family support, and by connecting with other participants and the LCBF staff via social media during race week by using the hashtags #headoverteal and #headovertealgoesvirtual.
Follow us on social media at Facebook @LCBFoundation, Twitter @LCBFoundation, Instagram at lcbfoundation, YouTube at Laura Crandall Brown Foundation, and Flickr at Laura Crandall Brown Foundation to register to win door prizes and engage in fun activities with the Head Over Teal community. Lead race times will be eligible for a Trak Shak gift card.
Learn more and register at www.ThinkofLaura.org/HeadOverTeal. All proceeds go to support LCBF's mission of early detection research, awareness education, and support services for GYN cancer patients and families.