Photo courtesy of Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce.
The overall winner of the 2016 Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic was Cigna HealthSpring, comprised of Thomas Glover, Dan Singley, Miles Morris and Charlie Norton, with a team score of 52. Shown here, from left, are Glover, golf tournament chairwoman Kathleen Spencer, Norton and Morris. Singley was unavailable for the photo.
The Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce on Aug. 28 will host its 22nd annual golf tournament at the Riverchase Country Club.
Money raised at the tournament helps support the chamber’s scholarship program and provides operational money for the chamber. About 100 golfers showed up for last year’s tournament, which netted about $16,750 after expenses, chamber Executive Director Bill Powell said.
The day starts at 7 a.m. with a putting contest, and the tournament follows at 8:30 a.m. with a shotgun start of teams spread over the course’s 18 holes.
The tournament follows a four-person scramble format, whereby each team member tees off and then each player hits their next shot from the best location of the four balls until the hole is complete.
The cost — $200 for an individual player, $375 for a twosome and $650 for a foursome — includes a continental breakfast, buffet lunch, water and sodas. Players also can buy up to three mulligans — a second try on a poorly hit ball — for $5 per mulligan. Prizes are awarded to the top teams at the end of the day.
Last year’s winning team came from Cigna HealthSpring and was made up on Thomas Glover, Dan Singley, Miles Morris and Charlie Norton, with a team score of 52. Each team member received a $150 gift certificate to the Riverchase Country Club golf shop.
The second flight winner was the King Acura team of Doug Meadows, John Stanton, Henry Donald and Henry King (with a team score of 64). They each received a $100 gift certificate to the golf shop.
The third flight winner was the First Commercial Bank team made up of Ken Ezelle, T.D. Farris, Tim Lee and Shannon Yost (with a team score of 67).
Kelly Dennis and Oscar Kent won awards for hitting the ball closest to the pin on two holes, while straightest drive awards went to Jeff Cornelius and Stephin Lindley.
Henry King won a round of golf for four at the Bent Brook Golf Club in Bessemer for winning the putting contest.
St. Vincent’s Health System is the title sponsor for this year’s tournament, but the chamber also is looking for individuals or companies to serve as platinum ($2,500), gold ($1,000) and silver ($750) sponsors, with each level of sponsor getting different benefits. Companies also can sponsor individual holes for prices ranging from $300 to $600.
To register to play in the tournament or to become a sponsor, go to hooverchamber.org to print out a registration form or call the chamber office at 988-5672 with questions. The registration deadline is Aug. 15.