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Photos by Kyle Parmley.
Spain Park Softball
Mary Katherine Tedder.
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Photos by Kyle Parmley.
Spain Park Softball
Caroline Parker
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Photos by Kyle Parmley.
Hoover Softball
Caroline Hart.
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Photos by Kyle Parmley.
Spain Park Softball
Mary Kate Teague
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Photos by Kyle Parmley.
Leslie Norris
The Hoover Softball Association scholarship committee and the HSA board awarded $7,500 in scholarships this year to Hoover and Spain Park high school senior softball players.
From Hoover High, Leslie Norris and Caroline Hart were awarded scholarships. Caroline Parker, Mary Katherine Tedder and Mary Kate Teague earned scholarships from Spain Park High.
Scholarship awards are based on years played at HSA, community service, academic performance, a submitted essay, parent participation in HSA and other softball achievements.
HSA is a Hoover-based recreational softball program. HSA’s annual scholarship program is sponsored by HSA and a partnership with the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Birmingham.
– Submitted by John Parker.