Students at Trace Crossings Elementary celebrated Arbor Day by planting a High Bush Blueberry Bush.
Hoover Beautification Board member Mike Zarichnak spoke about how planting more than one bush allows plants to cross-pollinate and produce fruit.
The following students read aloud a poem about trees:
- Dominic Renda
- Madison McAdams
- Emarie Price
- Haley Colby
- A’Kerria Hubbard
- Three fourth-grade students who entered the Arbor Day Essay contest read their essays aloud:
- Annabelle Clayborne read about her favorite tree, the Bradford Pear.
- Dawson Rye read about his favorite tree, the Hickory Tree.
- Carlton Purcell, who earned Honorable Mention, read about his favorite tree, the Chinese Cherry Tree.
The ceremony concluded with the planting of the blueberry bush outside, where City Forester Colin Conner led students in reciting the Arbor Day Pledge.