Photo courtesy of Michelle Berg.
International Day
Gwin Elementary School in Hoover held its 10th annual International Day celebration in January.
Gwin Elementary School in Hoover held its 10th annual International Day celebration in January. This all-day event was sponsored by the school’s English as a Second Language (ESL) department.
The program this year focused on Africa, with guest speaker Nouhou Tabouli speaking of his experiences growing up in Niger and immigrating to the United States. The event opened with a flag parade representing the 42 nationalities of students and staff at Gwin. Nathifa Dance Company and Outreach performed a drum circle and dance while accompanied by the Gwin Ovation choir.
Students then spent the day rotating through different presentations. Each child got to participate in a drum circle led by John Scalici from Get Rhythm. They also had the chance to learn about Kenya, watch a presentation about African animals, and sample foods from around the world. For more information about the event contact Michelle Berg at 824-5366.