0614 bluff park green flag
Back row: April Waltz, Melody Greene, Colin Conner. Middle row: Crystal Littlejohn, Helena Uber-Wamble, Michele Colabrese. Front row: Nancy McGowan, Krista Surtees, Dr. David Fancher, Jennafer Collins.
Bluff Park Elementary School has been named an “EcoSchool” and received the coveted “Green Flag” in conjunction with the Alabama Wildlife Federation and the National Wildlife Federation. Eco-Schools USA is a holistic, green school program that greens the school building, school grounds, curriculum and student experience.
BPES is the second elementary school in the state and 30th school nationwide to receive this honor. Both of the Alabama schools are in Hoover City Schools. BPES teacher Mrs. Nancy McGowan helped spearhead this project.
“My current fifth grade students took this project on last year and we have completed four pathways over the past two years. Energy Audit, Habitat Biodiversity, Healthy School and School Grounds,” McGowan said.