0513 Madison Lee
Madison Lee
Madison E. Lee, age 8, has been chosen as a state finalist in the National American Miss Alabama Pageant to be held June 6-8 in Montgomery. Madison, a third grader at Shades Mountain Elementary School, will compete in the Junior Pre-Teen age division, along with other young ladies from across the state.
Madison’s activities include tap and ballet dance, cheerleading, reading, drawing and playing with friends. She loves animals and wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up.
The winner of the pageant will receive a $1,000 cash award, the official crown and banner, a bouquet of roses and air transportation to compete in the National Pageant in California, where she will receive a complimentary tour of Hollywood and two VIP tickets to Disneyland.
The National American Miss Pageants are dedicated to celebrating America’s future leaders and equipping them with lifelong skills. Each year the pageant nationally awards more than $1.5 million in cash, scholarships and other prizes.
All activities and competitions are kept age-appropriate. Girls under the age of 12 are not allowed to wear make-up, and there is no swimsuit competition. The Pageant program is based on inner-beauty, as well as poise and presentation. Emphasis is put on the importance of developing self-confidence, learning good sportsmanship, as well as setting and achieving personal goals.