Photo courtesy of Kiwanis Club of Hoover-Metro.
The Kiwanis Club of Hoover-Metro’s 2018 Charity Golf Classic at the Riverchase Country Club raised more than $18,000 for charities after expenses were met and included almost 20 teams. One of the banner sponsor teams for 2018 was from Benton Nissan and included, from left, Steve Paden, Bruce Koltz, Dale Benton and Chuck Woodard.
The Kiwanis Club of Hoover-Metro has scheduled its 27th annual Charity Golf Classic at the Riverchase Country Club on April 15.
Registration will begin about 9:30 a.m., followed by a buffet lunch at 11 a.m. and a shotgun start at 1 p.m., said Deb O’Hara, the club’s treasurer.
The format for the tournament will be a four-person scramble, where each player on a team hits a tee shot on each hole, but everyone plays from the spot of the best shot.
Awards will be given to the top teams in three flights, as well as awards for longest drive and closest to the pin. There also will be a $10,000 prize for a hole-in-one on hole No. 15, O’Hara said.
Individuals or teams not representing companies can register for $175 per player, including lunch, drinks and a gift bag. Teams from companies are asked to become sponsors.
A silver sponsorship costs $850 and includes registration fees for one team, lunch, drinks, gift bags and the company’s name and logo on the Kiwanis website, Facebook page and signs at the tournament.
A gold sponsorship costs $1,500 and includes registration fees for up to two teams, plus all the same amenities as a silver sponsorship. A banner sponsorship costs $2,500 and includes registration fees for up to three teams, the company’s name on the tournament’s main banner, free membership for three months to Kiwanis breakfasts and the opportunity to provide a speaker for a club meeting, plus all the same amenities as a gold or silver sponsorship.
The tournament raises money for multiple charities and last year netted more than $18,000 after expenses, O’Hara said. Since its inception, the tournament has raised more than $400,000 for charities, she said.
Among the charities benefiting last year were Camp Smile-A-Mile (serving pediatric cancer patients), the Alabama Kiwanis Foundation’s Reading is Fundamental program (books for children in Head Start programs); Safe House (serving victims of domestic violence and sexual assault); Children’s of Alabama hospital; and Hoover Helps (meeting food needs for children in Hoover).
Teams wanting to be sponsors are asked to register by April 1, and individuals and other teams should register by April 8, O’Hara said.
To register, contact Jonathan Millican at or call him at 907-6361.