HCS spelling bee champion heads to county competition


Berry Middle School eighth-grader Joshua Jacob emerged as the 2018 Hoover City Schools Spelling Bee Champion following 42 rounds of competition.

The 2018 Bee, held at Spain Park High School, included 14 students from across the school system. This year, the spirited competition extended through 42 rounds of words. The final championship word this year was “confinement.”

Hoover City Schools' curriculum and instruction department helps coordinate the annual event. Chief Academic Officer Cindy Adams was impressed by this year’s caliber of competitors.

“These 14 students participated beautifully. I’d like to commend their behavior and demeanor. All participants stayed until the end to congratulate the winners,” Adams said.

Rishi Yellamraju from Brock's Gap Intermediate was the runner-up.  He and Joshua Jacob were set to participate in the Jefferson County Spelling Bee scheduled for February 9 as of the Hoover Sun’s press time. 

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