Scout renovates trail at Riverchase Baptist Church


Photos courtesy of Joshua Cornett.

Boy Scout Joshua Cornett recently renovated a trail at Riverchase Baptist Church on Crossvine Road for his Eagle Scout project. 

“They used to have a very nice trail several years ago, and over time the landscape timbers and mulch have deteriorated,” Cornett said. “I replaced the whole trail with new timbers and mulch.”

The materials came from the Inverness Home Depot and Coshatt’s Sod Farm. Cornett worked on the project with the assistance of 10-12 guys from his troop. 

“Reverend Jeff Greer said that in me doing this project for his church, the congregation wants to be on the trail again to read Bibles and walk on it in early morning hours,” said Cornett.

 It took Cornett 114 hours to complete the project from start to finish. His Court of Honor to receive the recognition for the award was held in September.

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