Hoover family to be featured on House Hunters


Photo courtesy of Natalie Fry-Horne.

HGTV’s “House Hunters” will feel even closer to home when it features a family from Hoover. 

The episode, called “Chandeliers in Alabama,” will center around Natalie Fry-Horne and her family as they search for their dream home in Fry-Horne’s hometown. 

Fry-Horne is a long-time resident of Hoover; she moved to the city when she was in the ninth grade and graduated from Berry High School in 1994. 

She was watching the show with her husband Brad Horne when the idea to apply to appear on it came to her. 

“We sold our house quickly and were living in an apartment,” she said. “I looked at my husband and said, ‘We should apply to be on the show. We can do this.’” 

The couple applied for the show while continuing to search for houses on their own. 

“I had forgotten about it,” she said, “but a week later a producer called me.” 

After going through the official audition and casting process, Fry-Horne and her family were selected to appear on the show. The couple wanted a home that would accommodate their entire family, including 13-year-old son Kent and 9-year-old daughter Daisy, each wanting their own space. 

Eventually, the family decided on a townhome in Ross Bridge.

“We love all the amenities of Ross Bridge — the schools, the parks, the restaurants, that really nice hotel where you can go have a drink, the gym,” she said. 

Fry-Horne said appearing on the show was a “fun, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity” for her family and an honor to the Birmingham community. 

“[HGTV] really took the time to showcase Birmingham,” Fry-Horne said. “They spent some extra time in the city filming and visiting landmarks, and they did a great job showcasing the city. We are really proud to be a part of that.” 

The “Chandeliers in Alabama” episode of House Hunters does not yet have a scheduled date to air. The air date will be published at hgtv.com/shows/tv-schedule.

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