Wrapsody hosts Hope Floats Balloon Release Celebration

In October, Hoover gift store Wrapsody held a balloon release celebration to honor and remember breast cancer survivors and fighters.

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Wrapsody honored and remembered those with breast cancer through its annual Hope Floats campaign. During the month of October, the gift store raised money through the sales of balloons and ribbons, koozies, caps and t-shirts. The ribbons were individually personalized by each customer sharing sentiments, honoring survivors, offering messages of hope or simply remembering loved ones and hung in the HOPE window. A balloon was released for each honoree in celebration of life and hope.

All proceeds from the campaign will be donated to the Angel Squad of the UAB Cancer Center in Birmingham, a group of dedicated volunteers whose mission is to provide comfort, support and compassionate care to breast cancer patients and their caregivers.

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