Mayor’s Minute


Frank Brocato

Springtime is here, and I hope you and your families are enjoying the beautiful weather and this exciting time in our city! 

We have many events on the horizon in Hoover in April and May. Please be sure and save the following dates:

► I want to remind you again about our annual Household Hazardous Waste Day: April 21 from 8 a.m. to noon held at the Hoover Met. Please be prepared to show your driver’s license to confirm you are a Hoover resident prior to dropping off items. 

This is a great time to do some spring cleaning and get rid of items you have been storing in your basement and cabinets. A complete list of items we will be collecting that day is listed on our website at

► Celebrate Hoover Day: April 28 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and our rain date will be April 29 from 1:30-5:30 p.m. This event will be held at Veterans Park on Valleydale Road. 

We will provide shuttle service from the parking lot at Spain Park High School and will shuttle you for free to the front of the park. Be sure you wear comfortable shoes because we have so much to see and do that day. 

We will have a car show on display, live entertainment, ice cream and the wonderful, giant apple pie again this year for you to enjoy. We will also have carnival rides, a petting zoo and Shred–It will be providing document destruction on site. Our staff works hard planning this annual event that your entire family can enjoy and it’s all free. For more details, be sure and visit the Hoover website or call 444-7500.  

► Another special event in our city is the Annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, which is being held on May 8 at 7:30 a.m. at the Hyatt Regency - The Wynfrey Hotel. Tickets go on sale April 2-27. 

The Hoover Beautification Board sponsors this breakfast every year, and this is the 36th annual Breakfast in our city. 

I truly appreciate the work the Beautification Board does under the direction of their Chairman, Ann McAdams. 

This year, Mary Ross Searcy is chairman of the Prayer Breakfast, and she has an excellent committee working with her on this event. I want to publicly thank the board for all their hard work on this event and all the other events they work on throughout the year. To purchase tickets to the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, visit or call the Hoover Theatre Box Office at 444-7888.  

As you can see, spring is a bustling time in our city, so take some time and get involved in all the fun events we have to offer. Remember, your elected officials are here to serve you so let us hear from you!


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