Bluff Park United Methodist to hold Community EcoFair this Saturday


Photo by Jon Anderson

Bluff Park United Methodist Church is holding a Community EcoFair this Saturday, with opportunities for people to recycle electronic equipment, shred paper, help with an eco-friendly craft project, adopt pets and learn about Birmingham area environmental groups.

Groups participating in the EcoFair on Sept. 8 include the Alabama Environmental Council Southern Environmental Center, Alabama Rivers Alliance, Birmingham Recycling and Recovery, Commute Smart, Aldridge Gardens, the city of Hoover, Santek and United Ability’s Gone for Good program.

People are encouraged to recycle old eyeglasses and bring new or very gently used blankets, which will be distributed to homeless people.

United Ability’s Gone for Good program, which provides jobs for people with intellectual or physical disabilities, is conducting drive-through paper shredding but asks that staples be removed from paper. The organization also is asking for a donation of $6 per box or $8 per large trash bag of paper.

United Ability is also offering a drive-through service for people to drop off electronic items including computers, computer monitors, flat-screen TV monitors, small electronics and electronic cords. However, the organization does not accept old-style TV tubes (due to mercury content) or kitchen appliances. The group requests a donation of 75 cents per pound. It also will remove and shred computer hard drives for $15.

Used cooking oil can be dropped off in the drive-through or taken to Hoover Fire Station No. 5 at 588 Park Ave.

Hazardous materials, such as car batteries, motor oil and paint, will not be accepted, but EcoFair organizers said they will provide a list of places that take such items.

The EcoFair will have community garden and composting demonstrations and an eco-craft Kids Korner, where children can bring all sorts of clean bottle and jar lids for use in a mosaic art project at a school.

Speakers will provide information about the recycling program offered through Santek and the city of Hoover, and the Greater Birmingham Humane Society will be offering pets for adoption on site and accepting clean towels, linens and T-shirts for use by pets.

There will also be a hospitality booth with popcorn, eco-friendly giveaways and registration for a door prize.

The EcoFair is scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon, and will be moved indoors if there is inclement weather. For more information, see the church's Community EcoFair page on Facebook.

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