Photo courtesy of Avery Sloan
Former Shades Valley High School
The former Shades Valley High School campus at the intersection of U.S. 280 and U.S. 31.
The Shades Valley High School Class of 1957 has scheduled a reunion for June 11 at the Vestavia Country Club.
The reunion will be at 6:30 p.m. and costs $75 per class member and $45 per spouse or guest. There also will be a dutch pizza social at New York Pizza in the Edgewood community of Homewood at 6 p.m. on June 10.
Reunion organizers ask for a response by Friday, May 20. Email John Schoppert at johnschoppert@juno.com or call 960-8061. Checks made payable to Class of 57 can be mailed to John Schoppert at 2517 Country Club Circle, Birmingham, AL 35223.
Other reunion committee members include Tom Pike, Julian Butler, Charlotte Weaver Donald, Patricia Key Carr, Sara Ann Polhemus, Patsy Harned Norton, Ann Whitson Baker, Richard Randolph and Emily Erwin Allison.