John Greene.
John Greene has served on the Hoover City Council the past eight years, and he’s asking Hoover voters to let him stay in Council Place 7 another four years.
The 64-year-old fraud investigator for Travelers Insurance said his most important responsibility as a councilman is to vote the voice of the residents.
“I have consistently fulfilled that responsibility as my voting record shows,” Greene said in a news release.
Most of the votes taken by the Hoover City Council are unanimous, but Greene at least twice voted against the city budget and repeatedly voted against certain expenditures such as the new sports complex being built next to Hoover Metropolitan Stadium, saying the city needs to give more money to Hoover City Schools.
“Hoover is strong in many areas, but there is a real crisis in school funding that must be addressed and addressed decisively if Hoover City Schools is going to be the lighthouse for excellence in education that our citizens have overwhelmingly said they want it to be,” Greene said.
“We all know that a top-rated school system is a strong drawing card for businesses large and small to locate in Hoover, and that those businesses bring in people to live, work and spend in our community,” Greene said. “That, in turn, generates revenue for all city services and allows Hoover to invest in additional quality of life growth as well. Strategic planning is key to coordinating this growth, but I firmly believe that bringing school funding up to an appropriate level is the first crucial step.”
Greene said he also hopes to see stronger collaboration between the City Council and residents and open discussion of all issues facing the city.
“There is no doubt that strengthening the partnership between the citizens and the council will help guide Hoover into a prosperous future,” Greene said.
Greene has lived in Hoover 33 years and is a resident of the Shades Mountain/Bluff Park community. His wife, Melody, retired as assistant superintendent for Hoover City Schools in May. They have four adult children who graduated from Hoover City Schools and 12 grandchildren.
Greene has been employed as a fraud investigator with Travelers Insurance for 17 years. He retired as a sergeant from the Birmingham Police Department after 20 years of service there. He also has 40 years of service with the U.S. Army, including National Guard and Reserve duty and 2 ½ years of active duty. He retired as a lieutenant colonel with the Army.
Greene has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and a master’s degree in education, both from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
He is a member of Hunter Street Baptist Church, the Hoover Historical Society, Friends of Hoover, Friends of the Hoover Library, Friends of Shades Mountain, Hoover Metro Kiwanis Club, Hoover Veterans Committee and Hoover New Horizons senior citizens group.
Greene faces Bluff Park resident Robin Schultz in the race for Council Place 7 on Aug. 23.
For more information about Greene, see his campaign website at votejohngreene.com.