Photo courtesy of Frank Brocato
Hoover Mayor Frank Brocato
The month of September is a sacred month in our country. We recognize Labor Day, which celebrates the women and men who campaigned tirelessly for workers’ rights. We also honor Patriot’s Day, to commemorate the lives lost in the 2001 terrorist attacks. In the city of Hoover, we recognize both occasions. This year, we’re adding a special event to that.
On Sept. 5-9, the city of Hoover will host the U.S. National Firefighter Challenge Championship. ESPN calls it “the toughest two minutes in sports.” Firefighters from 20 states representing more than 125 departments will compete in obstacles that simulate the physical demands of real-life firefighting, such as climbing a tower, dragging hoses and rescuing a life-sized victim. They do it all while wearing full turnout gear and air packs on their backs!
There will be firefighters from Ukraine and New Zealand who will take part as well. We are so excited to be a part of this national event.
The Saturday the competitions end, Sept. 9, the city will host its third annual Remembrance Ceremony and Climb to Remember. The event will start at 9 a.m. at the Riverchase Galleria. Our speaker this year is Mike White, the former general manager of the Riverchase Galleria who also served 11 years as a Navy Seal.
I invite the entire Hoover community to join us for all the competitions, commemorations and ceremonies. We are blessed to live in a country and city with so many dedicated public servants, and we should support and honor them every chance we get. Thank you to all who serve.