Megan’s Fund, which raises money and awareness to stop domestic violence in honor of a Hoover woman killed by her estranged husband in 2019, is hosting a gingerbread house contest Dec. 3.
Proceeds will benefit Megan’s Fund, which has awarded almost $18,000 in grants to several schools and nonprofits. The fundraiser will allow for more funds to be given to schools so students can learn how to recognize an unhealthy relationship and how to access resources for help, and know how to hold each other accountable for dangerous or risky behavior, since the most at-risk age group for relationship violence is 18-24.
The event will further the mission “to save lives by preventing relationship violence before it begins.”
The little house entries in several family categories will be judged by professional bakers or chefs, and there also will be a culinary category which will feature designer-type larger gingerbread house creations to be auctioned off.
The contest will be at the Vestavia Civic Center with drop-off on Friday, Dec. 2, from 3 to 6 p.m.
For more information, visit cfbham.org/megans-fund, call Susann Montgomery-Clark or Rod Clark, founding donor/advisors of Megan’s Fund, at 205-568-7474 or email Montgomeryclark22@gmail.com.
For more information about submitting a house entry or to register to attend the free event, contact Nancy Cargile at nancy.cargile@gmail.com.
— Submitted by Susann Montgomery-Clark