Map provided by city of Hoover
Brock Point locator map
Signature Homes plans to build 97 houses on 103 acres off Shelby County 41 next to Greystone and across from Shoal Creek.
The Hoover City Council tonight rezoned 103 acres of newly annexed land next to Greystone as a Planned Residential Development District to make way for a 97-acre subdivision.
Signature Homes plans to build the homes off Shelby County 41 just east of The Cove at Greystone and The Crest at Greystone and directly across from Shoal Creek.
The Hoover City Council annexed the land in early November, and it automatically went into a holding zone until it could officially be zoned by the city.
Signature Homes plans to build houses that are between 3,000 and 5,000 square feet and sell them for $500,000 to $800,000, with an average price of $600,000, Signature Homes President Jonathan Belcher said.
Lot sizes would be comparable to The Cove at Greystone next door, he said. He described the average lot size as being 120-140 feet in width and 200 feet deep.
The 103 acres includes a 13-acre lake that Signature Homes plans to leave in place, Belcher said. Plans call for 33 houses to be on the lake. At the planned price point, Signature Homes expects to build two to three homes per month and complete the subdivision in three to four years, Belcher said.
When the property was annexed, some residents expressed concern about the impact such a development might have on the Hoover school system. City officials said a development in that price range should generate 32 students at most and Hoover schools would receive more in property taxes from the proposed development than it would cost to educate the number of students expected from it.
Hoover schools Superintendent Kathy Murphy said she thinks the school system can handle that many more students on the eastern side of town.
See more about the Brock Point development here.
In other business tonight, the Hoover City Council:
- Rezoned a piece of property off Alabama 119 across from the Brookwood Medical Center freestanding emergency department from Shelby County office and institutional use to a community business district in Hoover. A medical office building is planned for the lot.
- Rezoned 3.2 acres near the Ross Bridge Town Center from a planned single-family district to a planned commercial village center.
- Gave approval for a new park to be built at 4463 Tuckahoe Lane in the fourth phase of the Northampton sector of Ross Bridge. The park will include a wiffle ball field made of grass and astro turf, two covered pavilions, restrooms and 17 parking spaces, according to plans.
- Gave approval from the Christian Pentecostal Church of USA to operate a church in a retail center at 3133 Lorna Road, Suite 109.
- Approved agreements that will allocate $20,000 to the Shelby Humane Society, $15,000 to the American Red Cross and $5,000 apiece to the Hoover Service Club and Prescott House Child Advocacy Center.
- Set a public hearing for Dec. 21 to consider a request from Pigcasso Holdings Inc. to allow the sale of beer and table wine at Pinots Palette Hoover at 181 Main Street in the Patton Creek shopping center.