Photo by Jon Anderson
A campaign worker hands out materials for a candidate at the Hunter Street Baptist Church Student Center polling place on primary election day in Hoover, Alabama, on Tuesday, May 24, 2022.
The Nov. 8 general election is quickly approaching, and 20 candidates are battling for legislative seats representing parts of Hoover at the federal and state level.
U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer, a Hoover resident who has represented Alabama’s Sixth Congressional District since 2014, faces Libertarian challenger Andria Chieffo, who works as an amnesty floor monitor at the Amazon Fulfillment Center in Bessemer. Most of Hoover is in the Sixth Congressional District.
In the Seventh Congressional District, incumbent Rep. Terri Sewell, who has been in office since 2011, is facing a challenge from Republican Beatrice Nichols and Gavin Goodman, chairman of the Libertarian Party of Alabama. Ross Bridge and Lake Cyrus are in the Seventh Congressional District.
At the state level, seven legislative seats representing parts of Hoover have competition in the general election.
In Alabama House District 15, Helena Councilwoman Leigh Hulsey, a Republican, faces Democrat Richard Rouco, who lives in Hoover’s Russet Woods community, in a battle to replace state Rep. Allen Farley, who did not seek re-election.
Close by, in Alabama House District 56 (which includes Ross Bridge and part of Lake Cyrus), Democrat Ontario Tillman from Bessemer is competing against Libertarian Carson Lester from Birmingham’s Oxmoor Glen community.
In House District 47, which includes parts of Hoover and Vestavia Hills, Hoover Councilman Mike Shaw, a Republican, is up against Democrat Christian Coleman, who also lives in Hoover. Both candidates grew up in Vestavia Hills, so they have ties to both cities.
The House District 48 race, which covers part of Greystone, Vestavia Hills, Mountain Brook and north Shelby County, features incumbent Rep. Jim Carns of Mountain Brook versus Libertarian Bruce Stutts of Vestavia Hills.
In House District 45, which includes parts of north Shelby County, eastern Jefferson County and southwest St. Clair County, Republican Susan DuBose of Greystone faces Libertarian Kari Mitchell Whitaker of the Dunnavant Valley community.
In House District 43, which stretches from Meadow Brook to Riverchase, Republican Rep. Arnold Mooney faces a challenge from
Democrat Prince Cleveland and Libertarian Jason Burr.
And in Senate District 15, incumbent Sen. Dan Roberts, a Republican from Mountain Brook, must overcome a challenge from Libertarian Michael Crump, who wants to ensure people can live their lives without government influence.
Name: Gary Palmer (I)
Party: Republican
Age: 68
Residence: Hoover
Political experience: Elected to U.S. Congress in 2014 representing Alabama’s 6th District
Professional experience: President of the Alabama Policy Institute for 24 years; worked in engineering, as well as with Focus on the Family
Civic experience: Rotary Club of Birmingham; member of Briarwood Presbyterian Church;
Education: Bachelor’s degree in operations management from University of Alabama in 1977
Main issues: Fiscal conservatism; reducing regulation; lowering energy costs; replacing the Affordable Care Act; protecting the life of the unborn
Website/social media: palmer.house.gov; Twitter @USRepGaryPalmer; Facebook: CongressmanGaryPalmer
Name: Andria Chieffo
Party: Libertarian
Main Issues: “Andria Chieffo is excited to provide a liberty-supporting option on the ballot for District 6, but is unable to devote herself to a full-time campaign at this time. Andria supports our state party’s planks and the planks of the national Libertarian Party,” from the Libertarian Party of Alabama’s Candidate Coordinator Angela Walser
Efforts to reach Andria Chieffo for bio information were unsuccessful by press time.
Name: Terri Sewell (I)
Party: Democratic
Age: 57
Residence: Birmingham
Political experience: Elected in 2011 to U.S. Congress to represent Alabama's 7th Congressional District
Professional experience: Public finance attorney, first black female partner in the Birmingham law office of Maynard, Cooper & Gale, P.C.
Civic experience: Silver Star and life member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Education: J.D., Harvard Law School; holds degrees from both Princeton University and Oxford University
Main issues: Job creation; improving public education; affordable health care, supports Affordable Care Act
Website/social media: Sewell.house.gov; Rep. Terri Sewell on Facebook
Name: Beatrice Nichols
Party: Republican
Age: N/A
Residence: Moundville
Political experience: First run for public office
Professional experience: Previously worked in a Tuscaloosa doctor’s office; taught second grade at a private school for six years; worked as a special education teacher at a public school for a time.
Civic experience: N/A
Education: Pursuing doctorate in special education at the University of Alabama; bachelor’s and masters also at the University of Alabama
Main issues: Securing the border; pro-Second Amendment; protecting the life of the unborn; maintaining freedom of speech; election integrity
Website/social media: bfor7thdistrict.com; NicholsForCongress on Facebook
Name: Gavin Goodman
Party: Libertarian
Age: early 30s
Residence: Huntsville
Political experience: Past state director of Alabama for Jo Jorgensen/Spike Cohen 2020 [presidential ticket for Libertarian Party]; current chair of Libertarian Party of Alabama; political director for LPA
Professional experience: Vice president of development for Strength Through Education, a 501c3 that works with active-duty service members to reduce suicide and sexual assault in the military; past marketing director at Rocket Republic brewery; started a small consulting business in Huntsville in 2018 that planned external events for nonprofit organizations
Civic experience: N/A
Education: Bachelor's degree from SUNY Oswego
Main issues: Decriminalization of marijuana; ending the drug war; releasing nonviolent drug offenders and restoring their right to vote; pro-Second Amendment; ending government subsidies and pro-free market; ending qualified immunity; prison reform; pro-term limits
Website/social media: lpalabama.org/gavin-goodman/; Gavin Goodman For Congress on Facebook
Name: Leigh Hulsey
Party: Republican
Age: 44
Residence: Helena
Political experience: Helena City Council member for 14 years (now council pro tem); ran unsuccessfully for Alabama House District 73 in 2021; vice president of campaigns for Republican Women of North Shelby County; executive committee for Shelby County GOP
Professional experience: Owner of CrossFit Alabaster for 10 years; previously worked as paralegal and stay-at-home mom
Civic experience: Co-founded Putting First Responders FIRST group in Helena; president of Alabaster Business Alliance; small group leader at Church of the Highlands Riverchase campus
Education: Bachelor’s degree in human development and family studies from Auburn University in 2001
Main issues: Prevent government overreach; protect the unborn, the right of people to have guns and states’ rights; secure funding for road projects in District 15; make sure schools are well funded; advocate for special needs children; develop walking, biking and blueway trails; repeal grocery tax and recent gasoline tax increase
Website/social media: hulseyforhouse.com; “Leigh Hulsey for State House District 15” on Facebook
Name: Richard Rouco
Party: Democratic
Age: 58
Residence: Hoover
Political experience: First run for public office; elected to Jefferson County Democratic Executive Committee this year
Professional experience: Lawyer for 28 years, first with Cooper Mitch, then Whatley Drake and now with Quinn, Connor, Weaver, Davies and Rouco; practices mostly employment law but also antitrust, voting rights and civil rights cases
Civic experience: Formerly served about five years on board of Greater Birmingham Ministries; active with Birmingham Bar Association; member of American Bar Association, Union Lawyers Association and YMCA of Hoover
Education: Law degree from University of Alabama School of Law, 1994; bachelor’s degree in philosophy and English from Florida State University, 1987
Main issues: Improve health care by expanding Medicaid, freeing up state money for public safety, public schools and small business assistance; eliminate grocery taxes; temporarily suspend recent state gas tax increases; strengthen public education; expand family medical leave options
Website/social media: roucoforhd15.com; “Richard Rouco for House District 15” on Facebook
Name: Dan Roberts (I)
Party: Republican
Age: 64
Residence: Mountain Brook
Political experience: Elected in 2018 to the state Senate representing District 15
Professional experience: Real estate development, private equity and international trade
Civic experience: Elder, Briarwood Presbyterian Church; board member of Briarwood Christian School; chairman of Briarwood Ballet
Education: Master’s degree in real estate development and urban affairs from Georgia State University in 1985; bachelor’s degree in building science from Auburn University in 1980
Main issues: Tax reform; strengthening Alabama’s workforce; parental choice in education (sometimes called school choice); allowing businesses to compete, especially in the Southeast
Website/social media: danrobertsforsenate.com; Facebook: DanRoberts4StateSenate
Name: Michael Crump
Party: Libertarian
Age: 47
Residence: Mountain Brook
Political experience: Treasurer, Greater Birmingham Libertarians
Professional experience: Customer service for a blockchain cryptocurrency company
Civic experience: Past volunteer at Sidewalk Film Festival, various church events
Education: Bachelor’s degree from Herzing College
Main issues: Abolishing some government entities such as the IRS and ATF; ensuring citizens live their lives without government influence; pro-homeschooling; against all gun laws; would forfeit legislative pay for two years
Website/social media: LinkedIn: themichaelcrump
Name: Arnold Mooney (I)
Party: Republican
Age: 71
Residence: Meadow Brook
Political experience: Has represented House District 43 since 2014; unsuccessfully ran for U.S. Senate in 2020; staff assistant for U.S. Sen. James Allen in 1977; ran U.S. Sen. Albert Lee Smith’s campaign for U.S. Senate in 1984; was chairman of Alabama Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin’s campaigns for Alabama House District 43; managed U.S. Senate campaign of U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks in 2017; ran several other Alabama House and Senate campaigns
Professional experience: Worked over 40 years in commercial real estate; associate broker at Southeast Commercial Partners; former vice president for Colonial Properties Trust
Civic experience: Has served on Eagle Forum of Alabama board of directors; Workforce Investment Board 1999-2014, including chairman, vice chairman and finance chairman; former Meadow Brook Home Owners Association president; served as chairman of Unchartered Waters Sports Ministry; Fellowship of Christian Athletes board of directors and executive committee for north-central Alabama; involved in Briarwood Christian School capital campaigns, booster clubs and soccer program; has served as Meadow Brook Baptist Church deacon, personnel committee chairman and capital campaign chairman; Southern Seminary Foundation board of directors; led fundraising campaign for rugby stadium at Furman University; Monday Morning Quarterback Club member; St. Andrew’s Society past president; raised funds for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Alabama
Education: Master’s degree in history from Samford University in 1975; bachelor’s degree in history and political science from Samford University in 1973
Main issues: Fight against encroachment of the federal government; fight for limited government and low taxation; protect traditional family ideals, religious freedom, the right to bear arms and the life of unborn babies; promote free market health care without government interference; repeal common core standards and let local communities make curriculum decisions
Website/social media: arnoldmooney.com
Name: Prince Cleveland
Party: Democratic
Age: 41
Residence: Inverness
Political experience: First run for public office; member of Shelby County Democratic Executive Committee; worked on fundraising team for former state Sen. Kim Benefield in 2006
Professional experience: Content usage analyst for Ebsco Industries for past 8½ years; formerly worked as fundraising consultant for Satcher Health Leadership Institute at the Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta for two years
Civic experience: Active member of New Hope Baptist Church; serves on UAB Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Center Young Professionals Board, The Blackburn Institute Advisory Board, University of Alabama Community Affairs board of advisors and the American Legion Alabama Boys State Program; served on board of directors for Albert Schweitzer Fellowship of Alabama; active member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity; member of Alabama Leadership Initiative’s 2019 class
Education: Master’s degree in public administration from University of Alabama in 2006; bachelor’s degree in political science from University of Alabama in 2003
Main issues: Eliminate tax on groceries; take advantage of federal dollars to expand Medicaid; protect the Education Trust Fund, prioritize its revenue toward successful educational initiatives and invest in innovative educational resources; protect women’s right to make their own health care decisions
Website/social media: princeforalabama.com; Prince Cleveland for Alabama HD 43 on Facebook; #prince4alabama on Twitter; princeforalabama on Instagram
Name: Jason Burr
Party: Libertarian
Age: 47
Residence: Meadow Brook
Political experience: First run for public office
Professional experience: Currently delivers pizza for Domino’s; has also worked in pharmaceutical research, industrial food quality control, industrial paint coating and commercial truck driving
Civic experience: Habitat for Humanity volunteer; longtime member of First United Methodist Church in downtown Birmingham; has worked on mission projects in Costa Rica and Panama
Education: Bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Birmingham-Southern College in 1999
Main issues: Favors citizen initiative and referendum legislation to let the people vote on laws themselves if enough signatures to get issues on ballot; favors smaller government and fewer taxes; favors elimination of grocery tax and qualified immunity law that protects government officials and police officers from lawsuits; favors medical freedom for individuals; considers all gun laws a constitutional infringement
Website/social media: Jason Burr Alabama House District 43 on Facebook
Name: Susan Dubose
Party: Republican
Age: 59
Residence: Greystone
Political experience: First run for public office; president of Republican Women of North Shelby County; member of Shelby County Republican Party Executive Committee; has served as vice president of Greater Birmingham Republican Women; was alternate delegate to 2020 Republican National Convention; served on strike team for Donald Trump’s campaign in Florida
Professional experience: Worked as a residential, commercial and construction loan officer and business development officer for Compass Bank for more than 12 years before becoming stay-at-home mom in 1997
Civic experience: Government Affairs Committee and Women’s Business Council for Shelby County Chamber of Commerce; former president of American Heart Association’s Heart Guild; served as chairwoman of Heart Guild Ball, chairwoman of Distinguished Young Women of Shelby County scholarship program, board member of King’s Home Shelby Auxiliary, chairwoman of Daughters of American Revolution Caring for America Committee, board member of Greystone PTA, children’s Sunday school teacher and Vacation Bible School leader at Asbury United Methodist Church
Education: Bachelor’s degree in finance from University of South Alabama in 1985; master’s degree in business administration from Spring Hill College in 1990
Main issues: Would like to see more charter schools, more school choice options and increased focus on technical and vocational education options; leave teaching on gender issues and critical race theory to parents; give local control over curriculum decisions; maintain integrity of Alabama elections; protect people’s right to bear arms, keep government limited; protect people from government mandates like mask and vaccine mandates; create environment where businesses can grow and bring more jobs
Website/social media: susandubose.com; “Susan DuBose for State House District 45” on Facebook
Name: Kari Mitchell Whitaker
Party: Libertarian
Age: 44
Residence: Dunnavant Valley
Political experience: First run for public office
Professional experience: Worked in corporate communications for Ebsco Industries from 2002 to 2008 until becoming a stay-at-home mom and launching her own graphic design business, Launchpad Creatives
Civic experience: Active member of St John’s Anglican Church in Chelsea; former Girl Scout troop leader; assistant teacher of Brazilian jiu-jitsu at Lion Heart Academy
Education: Bachelor’s degree in graphic design from University of Montevallo in 2002
Main issues: Prevent new taxes and eliminate some current taxes and a lot of unnecessary spending; set two-term limit for state legislators; expand school choice options by tying education dollars to students and not schools; decriminalize cannabis; give every adult autonomy over their own body, including choice regarding vaccines, medical treatments and chemicals or plants ingested; support free markets; oppose governmental restrictions that favor large corporations; protect gun ownership rights while preventing high-risk people and known criminals from easily obtaining weapons; protect the environment; protect the unborn; get government out of marriage, but grant equal protections and privileges to all family units, regardless of sexual orientation
Website/social media: votewhitaker.org; “Whitaker Works for Alabama” on Facebook
Name: Mike Shaw
Party: Republican
Age: 50
Residence: Hoover
Political experience: Six years on Hoover City Council
Professional experience: Chief technology officer and senior vice president for Mutual Savings Credit Union for 17 years
Civic experience: Represents the Hoover City Council on the Hoover Planning and Zoning Commission and Sports Facility Advisory Committee; founded Hoover Technology Roundtable; member of technology advisory group for Riverchase Career Connection Center; Tech Birmingham board member; former Birmingham Infragard board member; founded Destination Hoover International; member of Shades Mountain Baptist Church and Spain Park High School Band Boosters
Education: Bachelor’s degree in public administration from Auburn University in 1995
Main issues: Make sure Hoover and Vestavia Hills get fair share of money for infrastructure projects; improve education; support charter schools and school choice options without hurting successful school systems; re-examine impact of legislation legalizing medical marijuana; revisit automatic future gasoline tax increases already approved
Website/social media: electmikeshaw.com
Name: Christian Coleman
Party: Democratic
Age: 33
Residence: Hoover
Political Experience: None
Professional Experience: Freelance writer
Civic Experience: Alabama Air National Guard; grew up attending New Pilgrim Baptist Church and Mountaintop Community Church
Education: Bachelor’s degree in film from the University of Alabama in 2011; master of fine arts degree from the University of New Orleans in 2015
Main Issues: Medicaid expansion; make election day a state holiday; opposes school choice; improving education; paid family leave; clean energy and protecting the state’s environment
Website/social media: christianforalabama.com; Instagram: christianforalabama
AL House 48
Name: Bruce Stutts
Party: Libertarian
Age: 60
Residence: Vestavia Hills
Political experience: None
Professional experience: Compass Bank; Regions Bank; independent portfolio manager; college instructor for Huntington College Finance & Investment; BBVA/PNC Bank
Civic experience: Church of the Highlands
Education: Master’s degree in finance; bachelor’s degree in corporate finance and investments from the University of Alabama
Main issues: individual freedom; not limiting voters to major two parties; reduce taxes when possible; support smaller government
Name: Jim Carns
Party: Republican
Age: 82
Residence: Vestavia Hills
Political experience: State representative, 1990-2005; Jefferson County Commission, 2006-2010; state representative, 2012-present
Professional experience: Founder, American Metal Technology; founder, Modern Sales; vice president, Modern Handling Systems
Civic experience: Alabama Air National Guard veteran; board member, Youth Leadership Development Program; elder, Briarwood Presbyterian Church
Education: Bachelor’s degree in engineering from University of Alabama in 1962
Main Issues: Protecting the life of the unborn; ensuring election integrity (pro-voter ID, voted to ban curbside voting); pro-Second Amendment; fiscal responsibility; supports vocational training; welfare reform; anti-vaccine mandate
Website/social media: electjimcarns.com; Facebook: RepJimCarns
Name: Carson Lester
Party: Libertarian
Age: 45
Residence: Oxmoor Glen in Birmingham
Political experience: First run for public office; former chairman of Laurens County (Georgia) Republican Party; worked in Herman Cain campaign for U.S. Senate (Georgia) in 2004
Professional experience: Has been in insurance business about 18 years; currently is executive general adjuster for Charles Taylor Adjusting; also owned and ran a bakery for about three years
Civic experience: Former worship leader for Lighthouse Community Church in Charlottesville, Virginia, and Dublin Community Church in Dublin, Georgia; worked in music ministry at The Church of Brook Hills in north Shelby County and Christ Fellowship Church in Homewood (now is agnostic); coached youth baseball in Homewood; was 2021 president of Southern Loss Association and still is on the board; teaches claims litigation management at Claims College
Education: Bachelor’s degree in sociology from Samford University in 1999
Main issues: Favors limited government and government decisions being made at the lowest possible level; favors repealing criminal laws where there is no clear victim, such as driving without a seatbelt, driving with an open container of alcohol, or ingesting chemicals or plants; favors repealing all taxes except an equal sales tax on everything; favors removing government from health care and education
Website/social media: “Carson Lester for AL State House District 56” on Facebook
Name: Ontario Tillman
Party: Democratic
Age: 44
Residence: Bessemer
Political experience: First run for public office
Professional experience: Practicing law for 10 years; coached basketball at Lee High School in Huntsville, Satsuma High School in Mobile and Bessemer City High School; started working with attorney Leroy Maxwell Jr. in 2017 and was named partner in Maxwell Tillman law firm in 2018, working on criminal, civil and family law cases; taught at West Hills Elementary School in Bessemer while in law school
Civic experience: Has been involved with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Habitat for Humanity, March of Dimes, boys’ clubs and sports leagues; led free legal clinics; attends Liberty Faith Christian Church
Education: Law degree from Miles Law School in 2012; master’s degree in collaborative teaching from Alabama A&M University in 2004; bachelor’s degree in special education from Alabama A&M in 2001
Main issues: Bring more high-paying jobs to House District 56; work to provide more adequate and affordable housing; expand mental health services; improve transit system, roads and other infrastructure; increase pay for teachers and retired teachers; focus on science, technology, engineering and math education
Website/social media: “Ontario Tillman for District 56 Alabama State Representative” on Facebook